What's Next for Business Communications?

The last year saw a revolution in working practices and the way businesses and their staff operate but what next for firms in Cornwall as they consider full or partial returns to the office and whether to embed remote working, at least in some form, as a long-term strategy?

Stock Connectivity City

Think of the advantages of having your business operating software integrated with voice calling, video calling, video conferencing, file sharing and instant messaging (chat) – available anywhere and across multiple devices.

Sounds great - and it can be - but if you want your company to take advantage of it, you’re going to need the broadband connectivity to enable you to do so, and not just for your office but for the staff that will be using it, wherever they may be.

Man on Video Call Presentation

Businesses had to react quickly when the pandemic struck, just to keep operating and staff working. But for many it’s left people working across multiple (often incompatible) platforms and reliant on poor business and home internet connections.

It got us through, it gave us an insight into what was possible. Now, as we look to the future, there’s a huge opportunity for businesses in Cornwall to be adopting industry-leading applications and working practices that put you on a par with your competition across the UK and beyond.

First and foremost though, you need to ensure you have the fast and reliable internet you need to transform your business and give you access the best in new technology and applications.

Wildanet is the Cornish broadband provider bringing superfast and super-reliable broadband to communities and businesses throughout Cornwall. It has a range of options including discounted home connections for staff if your business is connected via Wildanet’s network.

For more information about how Wildanet’s broadband can help futureproof your business, email us at [email protected] or call 0800 069 9906.

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Wildanet is the Cornish broadband provider bringing superfast and super-reliable service to homes and businesses throughout the region.

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