How Great Internet Supports Business Growth

In the digital age, businesses of all sizes across all sectors rely on the internet to operate effectively. The quality and reliability of a company’s broadband connection significantly impact its productivity, efficiency, and overall growth. Therefore, investing in fast and reliable internet is no longer a luxury but a must-have for anyone hoping to thrive in competitive markets. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how and why investing in high-quality internet for business is essential, and how robust digital infrastructures support and accelerate growth.


The Importance of Fast and Reliable Internet for Business


Enhanced Productivity

A fast and reliable internet connection is a cornerstone of modern business. Put simply, every business relies on it in one way or another these days. High-quality business broadband packages ensure efficiency, whether communicating via emails and video calls, running cloud-based apps, real-time data sharing, or performing other business-related tasks.

On the flip side, slow or unreliable broadband leads to delays, frustrations, and a significant impact on productivity. According to a report by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), UK companies lose around £3,000 per year due to poor quality connections.

While several factors must be considered, many of these losses are attributed to missed business opportunities and hindered employee productivity. Investing in better and more reliable internet for business eliminates inefficiencies and allows teams to maintain optimal productivity.


Improved Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is essential in all walks of life, whether it’s catching up with loved ones or striving for business success. Since the pandemic and the rise of remote and global teams, top-tier internet connectivity is something businesses cannot live without.

A high-speed connection enables a wide range of activities, from video conferencing and VoIP services to instant messaging and file sharing. This allows global teams and work-from-home employees to collaborate in real time, regardless of geographical location.

A 2012 McKinsey & Co. study showed that effective communication improves productivity by as much as 25% when teams feel connected and aligned. Statistics such as this demonstrate how vital communication is for businesses, especially as geography becomes less of an obstacle for growing companies.

A robust broadband connection offers fast and reliable service to ensure all tools and platforms run smoothly. This enhances communication and collaboration in the workplace, which in turn supports financial and brand growth.


Better Customer Service

Thanks to better and more reliable technology, customer expectations have evolved significantly. Modern consumers, suppliers and buyers throughout the supply chain demand quick responses and efficient solutions; anything less can be problematic for businesses. Organisations with fast internet connections are much better equipped to offer great customer service by utilising live chats, support ticket systems, and connecting with customers on social media.

Most customers expect an immediate response and, ideally, a swift solution to their issues. Meeting these types of requirements is difficult and likely impossible without business internet that supports fast and efficient communication. Those that can respond quickly with viable solutions are more likely to retain customers and establish long-term client relationships.


Access to Cloud Services

Cloud-based technology has revolutionised the way businesses operate by offering a scalable and cost-effective solution for storing data, using applications, and creating IT infrastructure. However, accessing cloud services requires a high-quality internet connection. Slow speeds or inconsistency can disrupt access to essential business tools and data, leading to downtime and productivity loss.

As more businesses rely on cloud-based solutions for their operations, the need for high-speed internet will increase alongside it. Companies need to ensure uninterrupted access to all the services required to serve their customers; anything less could negatively impact company success and growth.


Business Growth and Digital Infrastructure


Competitive Advantage

Companies with high-speed internet can leverage advanced digital tools and platforms that require significant bandwidth, such as data analytics, AI, and machine learning. These tools are responsible for incredible business growth and the advancement of entire industries. Ensuring you have the bandwidth to utilise them is vital for gaining a competitive edge.


Seamless E-Commerce Activities

E-commerce businesses need high-speed internet to manage online transactions, process orders, and maintain their websites. There’s a lot to manage and monitor, and if a company’s site experiences downtime due to a poor connection, it can lead to lost revenue and customers. For eCommerce sites, establishing a sense of trust and reliability among customers is essential for longevity and brand loyalty. And you need sufficient business internet if you hope to achieve this.


Effective Remote Work

Remote work has steadily increased for a number of years, even before the pandemic. Today, a large percentage of businesses and brands employ remote workers. While some remote employees may well be able to get by with standard connection speeds, it’s not enough for those who access company networks, conduct virtual meetings, or regularly share files with colleagues.

Without a broadband package that meets or exceeds your needs, remote work can be unreliable and frustrating. Neither of which are beneficial for productivity, employee morale, or growth.


Enhanced Data Management and Security

Businesses deal with large volumes of data for a range of purposes that need to be transferred, backed up, or analysed. High-speed internet is essential for facilitating these processes and ensuring data is handled efficiently and securely.

Additionally, high-speed broadband offers enhanced cybersecurity measures, such as features to fix bugs, malware, or other vulnerabilities. Also, the ability to frequently update devices and software at a moment’s notice is essential to protect your business from cyber attacks and breaches.


Support for Advanced Technologies

Emerging technologies like AI, VR (virtual reality), and AR (augmented reality) require robust internet connections to operate effectively. As the business world continues to adopt new and revolutionary technologies, speed and bandwidth requirements will continue to increase. Those who hope to stay ahead of the curve and integrate these types of technologies into their operations will need high-speed internet for business.


Cost Savings

Although you may be quick to assume that a higher-quality internet connection will incur higher costs, the reality is that it will actually save you money in the long run. Businesses with high-speed internet connections benefit from reduced downtime, improved employee productivity, and also the reduced need for physical infrastructure thanks to a vast array of cloud-based solutions.


How to Choose the Right Internet for Business


Assess Your Needs

The first step in choosing the right internet for business is assessing your specific or unique requirements. Consider factors such as the size of your organisation, the number of employees, and the industry you work in. 

For example, a small business with a few employees may require a different level of connectivity compared to a large enterprise with multiple locations and remote or global teams. While it’s important to ensure you have everything you need to succeed, it’s also key to consider your budget.


Consider Bandwidth Requirements

Bandwidth is a critical factor to consider when selecting an internet package for business. Companies that rely heavily on video conferencing, cloud-based applications and software, and large data transfers need more bandwidth to ensure efficient and hassle-free daily operations. If you’re unsure about your bandwidth needs, speaking to an expert can help you better understand your current and future requirements.


Reliability and Customer Support

Reliability is vital when it comes to business internet, and it pays to identify providers that offer service level agreements (SLAs) with commitments to delivering on uptime and performance. Additionally, consider the level of customer support provided by the internet service provider and the quality of their solutions.

If you were experiencing technical problems, could you rely on your current provider to swiftly resolve the issue? Prompt and effective support makes a significant difference in minimising downtime and addressing connectivity issues. Plus, it ensures your availability and support for your own customers.



Cybersecurity is essential and non-negotiable for businesses of all sizes these days. It’s always a good idea to ask about security measures when selecting a broadband plan for your business rather than assume your data and network are protected from threats. Features such as firewalls, encryption, and regular security updates are essential for safeguarding your business’s data and digital assets.


Fast and Reliable Internet for Business from Wildanet


Investing in fast and reliable internet for business is essential for driving productivity, enhancing communication and collaboration, and providing superior customer service. Businesses prioritising their digital connectivity are better positioned to utilise emerging technologies, access cloud services, and innovate alongside technological advancements.

To ensure that your business has the bandwidth to conduct all its vital operations with ease and without hassle, we recommend a high-quality business broadband internet package. This will not only provide you with the speed and reliability that both your business and customers require but also ensure you avoid the pitfalls of a subpar connection.


Don’t know your VoIP from your Cloud? Not a problem.

Wildanet provides comprehensive advice based on each businesses’ needs so if you’re unsure what you need today, or need to factor in for tomorrow, we can help. WIldanets team (all based in Cornwall and Devon) have extensive knowledge of digital connectivity, and hands on experience of the extra challenges operating in rural areas presents. 

Wildanet provides ultra-fast fibre and wireless broadband for thousands of homes and businesses in Devon and Cornwall. Whether you work from home or the office, contact our team directly at 01579 558330 or [email protected] for business enquiries.