Keeping your Tech Up-to-Date

Having the latest software on your laptop, phone or tablet is crucial for security but also key to its performance.

Woman with purple nails using iPhone

Before you update… Back-up!

Before you update your software you may want to back-up the data you have stored on it in case anything goes wrong during the update. This is very rare but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Part of grey apple laptop next to a hardrive

You can back your device up in 2 ways:

Physical Back-up – Putting your data onto a hard drive or USB stick 

Cloud Back-up – Storing it online

On phones and tablets cloud storage is generally offered as part of purchasing the product or for a small fee. You can also back-up laptops on the cloud but this generally needs to be added, Apple, Microsoft (as part of 365) or services like Dropbox can offer cloud back-up of your laptop. 

To back your phone or table up on the cloud do the following:   

Android > Settings > Accounts and Back-up > Here you can back-up to the cloud or a storage device

IoS (Apple) > Settings > “YOUR NAME” (at the top of the page) > iCloud > iCloud Backup

Generally cloud based storage systems are more secure and safer than physical back-ups so you are much less likely to lose your data, or you could of course back-up in both ways if you wanted to. 

Using cloud storage can also make your device more efficient by freeing up physical storage on your device, this generally make the device perform faster. 

Windows laptop on the update loading screen

Updating Your Tech 

Windows Laptop > Settings > Update and Security 

Android > Settings > Software Update 

IoS (Apple) > Settings > General > Software Update 

Above is the process for finding updates on a few popular devices. When going into these sections most will allow you to select auto updates. This doesn’t mean the device updates without telling you necessarily, it will do small updates in the background but with anything large it will let you know an update is needed, far better than you trying to remember to check. 


Cosmic Digital Skills Logo

Cosmic are the digital solutions people facilitating digital success for all, in a uniquely crafted and inspiring way. They have a range of fully-funded digital skills and transformation programmes across the South West. Take a look at what’s available –

Workplace Digital Skills – equipping the workforce of SME’s in Devon & Somerset with essential digital skills necessary for success.

Digital Leadership for SME’s - Preparing managers & leaders with the skills to plan and drive digital transformation across their organisation. Open to SME’s in Devon & Somerset.

Prosper Business Support – Free business support for pre-start and trading businesses in Mid Devon, East Devon and Exeter, aiming to assist businesses in enhancing productivity, achieving net zero goals, entering new markets and developing new products.

Pathway to Net Zero - Free support for Plymouth-based businesses to adopt more environmentally conscious processes and move towards becoming net zero.

Future Farming Resilience – Fully funded digital and technology support for farmers and land managers within the South West region. Improving digital skills to enable them to have the confidence and ability to navigate the Agricultural Transition.

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