Information Security: High Level Statement

  1. The purpose of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) is to protect the Wildanet information
    assets from all threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental.
  2. The Leadership Team has required that the ISMS be established and has approved the Information Security
    Policy (ISP) and has mandated that these will apply to Wildanet Systems.
  3. The Leadership Team has required that the ISMS is operated under a regime of continuous improvement
    through feedback from staff, interested parties and the audit regime.
  4. The Information Security Forum has responsibility for maintaining the policy, as well as related security policies,
    and providing advice and guidance on its implementation.
  5. The policy will be reviewed at least on an annual basis as well as upon significant changes in the business.
    It is the policy of Wildanet to ensure that:
    1. Information will be protected against unauthorised access.
    2. Confidentiality of information will be assured.
    3. Integrity of information will be maintained.
    4. Availability of information is ensured as required by the business processes. Regulatory and
      legislative requirements will be met.
    5. It will implement relevant industry best practice in its endeavour to GDPR and DPA regulations.
    6. Business continuity plans will be produced, maintained and tested.
    7. Employees will undertake information security training at least on an annual basis.
    8. All breaches of information security, actual or suspected, will be reported to, and investigated by
      the Information Security Forum.
    9. Business requirements for the availability of information and information systems will be met.
  6. All managers are responsible for implementing the policy within their business areas
    and each member of staff will adhere to the policy.
  7. All staff (employees and contractors) are required to read and acknowledge the Information Security Policy.
    Non-compliance with the Security Policy will result in disciplinary action and in cases
    of serious breaches may result in dismissal.
  8. Supplier Partners shall adhere to Wildanet Information Security Policy in relation to Wildanet data where
  9. It is the desire of the Leadership Team that the company follows a cycle of continuous improvement with
    regards to the maturity of information security within the business, the ISMS and the wider organisation.

31 August 2021
Wildanet COO
Justin Clark