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Register to win a £10 Voucher!

We're giving away 100 £10 Voucher's

Register your details below to win*

*No purchase necessary. You must quote “Amazon10” in the offer code field in order for your request to be validated. Your Amazon voucher will be emailed to you within 5 working days of registering. Our gift cards are a personal gift to the household addressed on this flier. Requests for Gift Cards from

an address that does not match that shown on this flier, or does not match our records of addresses that we have posted this flier to will be void. There are 100 gift card vouchers available on a first-come first-serve basis. Only 1 voucher per household. Closing date is 31 May 2023. Requests for vouchers after this time will be void.

By registering your details, we’ll keep you updated on our fibre broadband services now available in your area. You can opt out of marketing communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any emails we issue, emailing us at [email protected] or calling 0800 0699906.