People : Planet : Profit

B|23 Delivery
Partner... Leap

Introducing Leap

Leap were commissioned by Wildanet to run the B|23 programme.

Leap are a B Corp certified ethical and planet centred graphic and web design agency based in Truro, Cornwall, using the power of design and strategy to make positive change.

Since 2004 Leap has always strived to show how design can be a catalyst for environmental and social change on all levels and across all sectors, local to global.

Leap started their B Corp journey in 2016, joining a community of like-minded positive deviants doing business for good and creating positive futures while sharing how it is being done.

Every project they deliver doesn't just meet a client's business goals, it helps make the planet a better place - either directly or by changing the way a business thinks and works. They pride themselves on sharing what they have learnt with the industry - helping define and develop a model for sustainable design and working with creatives across the world to ensure design remains at the forefront of change.

They are committed to building a better future: one that is progressive, collaborative and thoughtful.

Check out our website:



Simon Thomason

B Leader

He steers the good ship Leap to help deliver a positive impact across people and the planet, ensuring that there is a solid understanding of what a triple bottom line business is and consistently delivering that understanding throughout the work and services.

He is also a huge advocate of the B Corp movement and uses his B leading experience to support organisations of all different shapes and sizes to use business as a force for good.

You will find him in the water as much as humanly possible, he uses the mental benefits of emergence in the ocean to help bring clarity to his decision making. Power of design and strategy to make positive change.

Matt Hocking

B Leader

Founder of Leap (a certified B Corp design agency since 2016). Designer Director, Consultant, Mentor/Coach and B Leader. FRSA. 20+ years of triple bottom line design and action.

Together, collaboratively and out of our silos, we can make the change our region and the planet need. Wildanet has amplified that vision and ignited the art of possible around the collaborative approach to their B Corp journey. What better way to do the journey than by galvanising a whole community of businesses?